Rediscover Mythology

Rediscover Mythology.
Our cultures are saturated with well known myths and symbolism; while these are rich and amazing, they are only fragments that lead to a larger, richer tapestry of world cultures.

Come with me and explore what was left undiscovered at the bottom of the box.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Please look forward to more updates, artwork and stories in the coming year. 

This past year has been full of challenges and wonderful changes. I hope the coming year will bring many good things to everyone. I pray for the strength and endurance to overcome all challenges.
God bless you all.

All of the artwork you will see on this sight is for sale at:

or contact me in the comments. 
Also please visit
 The blog of a wonderful painter, help others by buying art!

Have a wonderful new year!

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